Church of Jesus, the interior: the dome of the transept
Chiesa del Gesù, interno: la cupola del transetto, con "Il Paradiso inneggia a Gesù" e i pennacchi con Profeti, Evangelisti e dottori della Chiesa; affreschi del Baciccia (Giovan Battista Gaulli), 1679.
Church of Jesus, the interior: the dome of the transept, with "Paradise praising Jesus" and the pendentives with Prophets, Evangelists and Doctors of the Church; frescoes by Baciccia (Giovan Battista Gaulli), 1679.
Chiesa del Gesù, Roma (RM), Lazio, Italia/Italy
31 mars 2006
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
47,5Mo (4,8Mo) / 28,2cm x 42,3cm / 3328 x 4992 (300dpi)
Mots clés
17e siècle Détail architectural Docteur de l'Eglise Fresque Architecture Art Baccicio Baroque Eglise Christianisme Christ Dôme Décoration Bâtiment Evangile Jésus Giovan Battista Gaulli Seicento 17e siècle Illusion Italie Latium Œuvre d'art Pendentif Peinture Prophète Perspective Religion Rome Saint Transept 17e siècle
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