"Heads and Figure in Bust Length Views, one in three quarter length", by Leonardo da Vinci, pen and two different brown inks

"Heads and Figure in Bust Length Views, one in three quarter length", by Leonardo da Vinci, pen and two different brown inks


"Teste e figure a mezzo busto, una delle quali tagliata a tre quarti", 1478, di Leonardo da Vinci, penna e due inchiostri bruni. Verso.

[ENG] "Heads and Figure in Bust Length Views, one in three quarter length", 1478, by Leonardo da Vinci, pen and two different brown inks.
Windsor Castle/Royal Library, Windsor, Regno Unito/United Kingdom


15 juin 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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Format disponible

104,2Mo (5,5Mo) / 41,7cm x 62,6cm / 4928 x 7392 (300dpi)


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