"Heads and Figure in Profile Views, The Virgin Mary nursing Infant Jesus in a Landscape and Infant St. John, a Lion Head and a Dragon" by Leonardo da Vinci

"Heads and Figure in Profile Views, The Virgin Mary nursing Infant Jesus in a Landscape and Infant St. John, a Lion Head and a Dragon" by Leonardo da Vinci


"Teste e figure viste di profilo, Madonna che allatta il Bambino in un paesaggio, con S. Giovannino, Figura maschile, Desta di leone, Drago", 1478, di Leonardo da Vinci, penna e due inchiostri bruni. Recto.

[ENG] "Heads and Figure in Profile Views, The Virgin Mary nursing Infant Jesus in a Landscape and Infant St. John, a Lion Head and a Dragon ", 1478, by Leonardo da Vinci, pen and two different brown inks.
Windsor Castle/Royal Library, Windsor, Regno Unito/United Kingdom


15 juin 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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95,1Mo (4,7Mo) / 41,7cm x 57,1cm / 4928 x 6742 (300dpi)


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