"Coat of Arms, Horse, Madonna and blessing Infant Jesus and Angel, Right leg of a child", by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci

"Coat of Arms, Horse, Madonna and blessing Infant Jesus and Angel, Right leg of a child", by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci


"Stemma, Cavallo, Madonna con Bambino benedicente e angelo, Gamba destra di bambino", 1480-8, di Francesco di Simone Ferrucci (1437-1493), penna e inchiostro bruno, punta di piombo.

[ENG] "Coat of Arms, Horse, Madonna and blessing Infant Jesus and Angel, Right leg of a child", 1480-8, by Francesco di Simone Ferrucci (1437-1493), pen and brown ink, lead point.
Musée du Louvre, Parigi/Paris, Francia/France


15 juin 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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