Monreale, Duomo, the cloister of the Benedectine monastery
Monreale, Duomo, chiostro del monastero benedettino (XII sec.): fuga di colonne binate e capitelli nel lato Est del chiostro. Sullo sfondo, il campanile della Cattedrale.
Monreale, Duomo, the cloister of the Benedectine monastery (XII century): series of twin columns and capitals on the Eastern side of the cloister. In the background, the bell tower of the Cathedral.
Duomo (Cattedrale di S. Maria Nu, Monreale (PA), Sicilia/Sicily, Italia/Italy
30 juin 2019
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
115,4Mo (4,8Mo) / 65,5cm x 44,2cm / 7732 x 5217 (300dpi)
Mots clés
12e siècle Architecture Campanile Chapiteau Cathédrale Cloître Colonne Duomo Bâtiment Italie Moyen Âge Palerme Romanesque Sicile 12e siècle
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