Monreale, Duomo, the cloister of the Benedectine monastery
Monreale, Duomo, chiostro del monastero benedettino (XII secolo): il capitello W20, faccia Nord; ("Noè maledice il figlio Cam e la costruzione della torre di Babele").
Monreale, Duomo, the cloister of the Benedectine monastery (XII century): the Northern side of capital W20 (""Noah curses his son Cam and the construction of the tower of Babel").
Duomo (Cattedrale di S. Maria Nu, Monreale (PA), Sicilia/Sicily, Italia/Italy
30 juin 2019
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
116,3Mo (5,9Mo) / 64,0cm x 45,5cm / 7560 x 5376 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Tour Italie Sicile Palerme Architecture Cloître Bâtiment Cathédrale Duomo Moyen Âge 12e siècle Chapiteau Romanesque Bible Religion Ancien Testament Noé Sem Malédiction Babel Tour
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