Monreale, Duomo, the cloister of the Benedectine monastery
Monreale, Duomo, chiostro del monastero benedettino (XII secolo): il capitello W 8, faccia Sud; "L'imperatore Guglielmo II offre la Cattedrale alla Vergine col Bambino". Sullo sfondo, il fianco meridionale della Cattedrale e le aiuole con un ulivo.
Monreale, Duomo, the cloister of the Benedectine monastery (XII century): the Southern side of capital W8; "William II the Emperor offering the Cathedral to the Virgin and Infant Jesus". In the background, the Southern side of the Cathedral, the flowerbeds and an olive tree.
Duomo (Cattedrale di S. Maria Nu, Monreale (PA), Sicilia/Sicily, Italia/Italy
30 juin 2019
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
124,0Mo (6,2Mo) / 68,3cm x 45,5cm / 8064 x 5376 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Italie Sicile Palerme Architecture Cloître Bâtiment Cathédrale Duomo Moyen Âge 12e siècle Chapiteau Romanesque Noblesse Aristocratie Empereur Guillaume II Religion Christianisme Marie Vierge Marie Madonne Christ Jésus Enfant Jésus Arche Colonne Olivier
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