![Monreale Cathedral, apse](https://www.photo12.com/lt/ghr20a08_241.jpg)
Monreale Cathedral, apse
Duomo di Monreale, abside: S. Daniele, mosaico di scuola bizantina su fondo oro. I mosaici del Duomo vennero eseguiti tra il XII e la metà del XIII secolo da maestranze in parte locali e in parte veneziane, formatesi alla scuola bizantina.
Monreale Cathedral, apse: Saint Daniel, byzantine school mosaic with a golden background. The mosaics of the Cathedral were made between the twelfth and mid-thirteenth century by partly local and partly Venetian workers, trained at the Byzantine school.
Duomo (Cattedrale di S. Maria Nu, Monreale (PA), Sicilia - Sicily, Italia - Italy
04 juil. 2019
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
60,4Mo (8,2Mo) / 21,0cm x 72,1cm / 2480 x 8519 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Abside Apse Italia Italy Sicilia Sicily Palermo Monreale Cattedrale Cathedral Duomo Arte Art Opera d'arte Artwork Arte medioevale Medieval Art XII secolo XII Century XIII secolo XIII Century Il Duecento The 13th Century Arte bizantina Byzantine Art Mosaico Mosaic Fondo oro Golden Background Religione Religion Santo Saint Cristianesimo Christianity S. Daniele St. Daniel Abside Apse
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