"Mercury brings infant Bacchus to Ino", by Bertel Thorvaldsen
"Mercurio affida Bacco infante a Ino", ante 1827, di Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770 - 1844), marmo di Carrara.
[ENG] "Mercury brings infant Bacchus to Ino", before 1827, by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1770 - 1844), Carrara marble relief.
Biblioteca Ambrosiana, Milano (MI) - Milan, Italia - Italy
30 avr. 2013
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
74,6Mo (4,8Mo) / 44,8cm x 41,7cm / 5292 x 4928 (300dpi)
Mots clés
XIX secolo XIX Century Arte Art Bacco Bacchus Bertel Thorvaldsen Cupido Cupid Dea Goddess Dio God Dioniso Dionysus Divinità Divinity Dolcezza Sweetness Ermes Hermes Eros Ino L'Ottocento The 19th Century Marmo Marble Mercurio Mercury Mito greco Greek Myth Mitologia Mythology Neoclassicismo Neoclassicism Neonato Baby Olimpo Olympus Opera d'arte Artwork Rilievo Relief Scultura Sculpture Tenerezza Tenderness XIX secolo XIX Century
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