"Anton Frederik Tscherning showing the statue of Vulcano to two pesants in the Thorvaldsen Museum", by Carl Michael Dahl
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"Anton Frederik Tscherning showing the statue of Vulcano to two pesants in the Thorvaldsen Museum", by Carl Michael Dahl


"Anton Frederik Tscherning spiega la statua di Vulcano a due contadini nel Museo Thorvaldsen", 1860-5 circa, di Carl Michael Dahl (1812 - 1865), olio su tela.

"Anton Frederik Tscherning showing the statue of Vulcano to two pesants in the Thorvaldsen Museum", about 1860-5, by Carl Michael Dahl (1812 - 1865), oil on canvas.
Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenaghen, Danimarca - Denmark


30 avr. 2013


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

Notre référence



Droits gérés

Format disponible

80,5Mo (6,7Mo) / 41,7cm x 48,3cm / 4928 x 5709 (300dpi)


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