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"Danish artists at the Osteria La Gensola in Trastevere", by Ditlev Conrad Blunck
"Artisti danesi all'osteria La Gensola a Trastevere", 1837, di Ditlev Conrad Blunck (1798 - 1854), olio su tela.
[ENG] "Danish artists at the Osteria La Gensola in Trastevere", 1837, di Ditlev Conrad Blunck (1798 - 1854), oil on canvas.
Thorvaldsens Museum, Copenaghen, Danimarca - Denmark
30 avr. 2013
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
90,1Mo (5,3Mo) / 54,1cm x 41,7cm / 6389 x 4928 (300dpi)
Mots clés
XIX secolo XIX Century Arte Art Artista Artist Dipinto a olio Oil painting Ditlev Conrad Blunck Gentiluomo Gentleman L'Ottocento The 19th Century Neoclassicismo Neoclassicism Opera d'arte Artwork Osteria Pittura Painting Ristorante Restaurant Romanticismo Romanticism XIX secolo XIX Century
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