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Gauguin, "Bowl of Fruit and a Tankard before a Window"
Paul Gauguin: "Ciotola di frutta e boccale davanti a una finestra", 1890 circa, olio su tela.
Paul Gauguin: "Bowl of Fruit and a Tankard before a Window", about 1890, oil painting on canvas.
The National Gallery, Londra - London, Regno Unito - United Kingdom
03 nov. 2019
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
62,8Mo (7,1Mo) / 44,8cm x 35,1cm / 5293 x 4149 (300dpi)
Mots clés
XIX secolo XIX Century Arte Art Arte moderna Modern Art Boccale Tankard Dipinto a olio Oil painting Finestra Window Fruttiera Fruit Bowl L'Ottocento The 19th Century Natura morta Still Life Opera d'arte Artwork Paul Gauguin Pittura Painting XIX secolo XIX Century
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