Boccioni, 'I want to synthetise the unique forms of the continuity in the Space (Dynamism of a Human Body)'

Boccioni, 'I want to synthetise the unique forms of the continuity in the Space (Dynamism of a Human Body)'


Umberto Boccioni: "Voglio sintetizzare le forme uniche della continuità nello spazio (Dinamismo di un corpo umano)", 1913, grafite, inchiostro nero e pennarello acquarellato, tempera bianca e acquarello nero su carta.

Umberto Boccioni: "I want to synthetise the unique forms of the continuity in the Space (Dynamism of a Human Body)", 1913, graphite, black ink, white tempera and black watercolour on paper.
Civico Gabinetto dei Disegni - C, Milano (MI) - Milan, Italia - Italy


03 nov. 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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Droits gérés

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72,0Mo (5,0Mo) / 37,9cm x 47,6cm / 4480 x 5620 (300dpi)


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