Coppo di Marcovaldo, 'St. Francis altarpiece and twenty stories of his life'

Coppo di Marcovaldo, 'St. Francis altarpiece and twenty stories of his life'


Basilica di Santa Croce, Cappella Bardi: "Pala Bardi - San Francesco e venti storie della sua vita", di Coppo di Marcovaldo, 1245 - 1250.
Particolare del Santo che ammaestra i lebbrosi, mentre ne tiene uno in braccio e lava i piedi agli altri.

Basilica of the Holy Cross, the Bardi Chapel: "Bardi - St. Francis altarpiece and twenty stories of his life", by Coppo di Marcovaldo,1245-50.
Detail of the Saint Saint who teaches lepers, while holding one in his arms and washing the feet of the others.
Basilica di Santa Croce, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


07 nov. 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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81,5Mo (7,2Mo) / 53,8cm x 37,9cm / 6357 x 4480 (300dpi)


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