Neri di Bicci: 'Trinity among St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi,  St. Bartholew and St. John the Baptist'

Neri di Bicci: 'Trinity among St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bartholew and St. John the Baptist'


Basilica di Santa Croce: "Trinità tra i Santi Benedetto, Francesco, Bartolomeo, e Giovanni Battista", 1461, di Neri di Bicci, tempera su tavola.

Basilica of the Holy Cross: "Trinity among St. Benedict, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bartholew and St. John the Baptist", 1461, by Neri di Bicci, tempera painting on panel.
Basilica di Santa Croce, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


07 nov. 2019


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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Droits gérés

Format disponible

87,7Mo (6,3Mo) / 37,9cm x 57,9cm / 4480 x 6844 (300dpi)


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