"Vierge à l'Enfant couronnée" de l'église Saint-Jean Baptiste à Castelli en Italie
“Madonna in trono con bambino, detta Madonna di Castelli”, di maestro abruzzese, scultura in legno , dipinta in policromia con dorature, 1130 circa.
“Madonna enthroned with child, called Madonna di Castelli”, by an Abruzzese master, wooden sculpture, painted in polychrome with gilding, around 1130.
Museo d'Arte Sacra della Marsica, Celano (AQ), Abruzzo, Italia - Italy
02 juin 2016
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
83,1Mo (4,5Mo) / 37,3cm x 55,9cm / 4400 x 6600 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Arte medioevale Medieval Art Art Work of art Sculpture Statue Legno Wood Policromia Polychrome Doratura Gilding Religion Christianity Maria Mary La Vergine The Virgin Madonna Bambin Gesù Infant Jesus XII secolo XII Century Arte sacra Sacred Art Arte medioevale Medieval Art
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