Sassuolo, Este Ducal Palace, the Bacchus Gallery

Sassuolo, Este Ducal Palace, the Bacchus Gallery


Sassuolo, Este Ducal Palace, the Bacchus Gallery: “Bacchus reaches Ariadne abandoned by Theseus on the island of Naxos”. The faux tapestry raised by a putto which remains almost totally hidden by it, depicts a seascape dominated by a rock on which Ariadne sits. On the right, Bacchus tries to console her for Theseus' flight; behind him some satyrs and ships. It is one of the forty-one panels with scenes painted by Jean Boulanger which narrate the events of Bacchus. Wall tempera painting, 1650 - 52.
Palazzo Ducale Estense, Sassuolo (MO), Emilia Romagna, Italia - Italy


03 nov. 2006


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

Notre référence



Droits gérés

Format disponible

74,3Mo (5,8Mo) / 52,8cm x 35,2cm / 6240 x 4160 (300dpi)


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