“Natività della Vergine”

“Natività della Vergine”


“Nativity of the Virgin”, gold, silver and tempera on wood by the Master of the Observance; painted in 1437-1439 for an altar in the church of Sant'Agatha.
Detail with two bridesmaids who are taking care of the little girl, washing her and wrapping her in clean cloths warmed by the fire in the fireplace. Another bridesmaid is taking some food.
Asciano (SI), Civic Museum of Archeology and Sacred Art in Corboli Palace.
Museo civico archeologico e d'ar, Asciano (SI), Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


05 oct. 2016


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

Notre référence



Droits gérés

Format disponible

154,5Mo (9,8Mo) / 50,8cm x 76,2cm / 6000 x 9000 (300dpi)


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