Montepulciano, Duomo (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta), the interior, the main altar: the monumental "Triptych of the Assumption", painted by Taddeo di Bartolo in 1401. The central panel of the triptych shows the monumental figure of the Madonna Assunta surrounded by Angels, while below are visible the twelve apostles crowding around the empty tomb of the Madonna. Above the Assumption we see the Coronation of the Virgin. The three scenes must be read as a time sequence from bottom to top with the Death of the Virgin, her Assumption and her Coronation. The two side panels depict various Saints in the attitude of adoring the central figure of the Madonna, while on the four pillars that delimit the various panels we see twelve small figures of Doctors of the Church (three per pillar). Above the two side panels are the Announcing Angel (on the left) and the Madonna Annunziata (on the right). The predella at the bottom depicts Nine scenes from the life of Jesus Christ while above the predella we have some very small scenes from the Old Testament.
Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Montepulciano (SI), Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy
07 oct. 2016
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
83,1Mo (5,2Mo) / 37,3cm x 55,9cm / 4400 x 6600 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Fond doré Italie Toscana Toscane Sienne Montepulciano Autel Art Œuvre d'art Triptyque 15e siècle Quattrocento 15e siècle Gothique Taddeo di Bartolo Religion Christianisme Marie La Vergine La Vierge Madonna Madone Apôtre Peinture Assunzione Assomption Couronnement Mort Annunciazione Annonciation Dottore della Chiesa Docteur de l'Eglise Fond doré
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