Montepulciano, Duomo (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta), the interior, first chapel of the left nave: Baptismal font by Giovanni d'Agostino and Altar of the Lilies by Andrea della Robbia, ca. 1512.
Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Montepulciano (SI), Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy

Montepulciano, Duomo (Cathedral of S. Maria Assunta), the interior, first chapel of the left nave: Baptismal font by Giovanni d'Agostino and Altar of the Lilies by Andrea della Robbia, ca. 1512.
Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, Montepulciano (SI), Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


07 oct. 2016


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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