Medici Villa La Petraia, courtyard: “Cosimo II receives the winners of the Bona's feat”, fresco from the cycle of the Fasti Medicei by Volterrano (Baldassarre Franceschini), 1636-1647.
Against the background of Piazza dei Cavalieri in Pisa, Cosimo II, still heir to the throne, receives in the churchyard of the church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri the Tuscan nobles engaged in a victorious expedition in the battle of Bona, in Algeria, fought between the Genoese and the Turks on 16 September 1608. Among those present are Silvio Piccolomini, Admiral Jacopo Inghirami, the Marquis Fabrizio di Colloredo and other knights, who climbed into the depths. In the foreground we see the prisoners, who are advanced in front of the spoils of war. The chained and bare-chested slaves have their counterpart in the clothed and turbaned prisoners near the prince.
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy

Medici Villa La Petraia, courtyard: “Cosimo II receives the winners of the Bona's feat”, fresco from the cycle of the Fasti Medicei by Volterrano (Baldassarre Franceschini), 1636-1647.
Against the background of Piazza dei Cavalieri in Pisa, Cosimo II, still heir to the throne, receives in the churchyard of the church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri the Tuscan nobles engaged in a victorious expedition in the battle of Bona, in Algeria, fought between the Genoese and the Turks on 16 September 1608. Among those present are Silvio Piccolomini, Admiral Jacopo Inghirami, the Marquis Fabrizio di Colloredo and other knights, who climbed into the depths. In the foreground we see the prisoners, who are advanced in front of the spoils of war. The chained and bare-chested slaves have their counterpart in the clothed and turbaned prisoners near the prince.
Villa medicea La Petraia, Firenze (FI) - Florence, Toscana - Tuscany, Italia - Italy


29 déc. 2021


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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