Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in the north-east tower of the Castle of San Giorgio in Mantua. It is famous for the cycle of frescoes that covers its walls, a masterpiece by Andrea Mantegna, created between 1465 and 1474.
The wall, on the theme of “The Meeting” is divided into three sectors. In the one on the left the actual meeting takes place, in the central one some cherubs hold a dedicatory plaque and in the one on the right the marquis's court parades.
Detail of the right part of the wall with the portrait of Francesco Gonzaga Cardinal, Ludovico II’ son.
Palazzo Ducale, Mantova (MN) - Mantua, Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy

Ducal Palace: south-west wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", which is a room located in the north-east tower of the Castle of San Giorgio in Mantua. It is famous for the cycle of frescoes that covers its walls, a masterpiece by Andrea Mantegna, created between 1465 and 1474.
The wall, on the theme of “The Meeting” is divided into three sectors. In the one on the left the actual meeting takes place, in the central one some cherubs hold a dedicatory plaque and in the one on the right the marquis's court parades.
Detail of the right part of the wall with the portrait of Francesco Gonzaga Cardinal, Ludovico II’ son.
Palazzo Ducale, Mantova (MN) - Mantua, Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy


24 oct. 2022


Ghigo Roli/Photo12

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