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Ducal Palace: north-east wall of the “Bridal Chamber or Camera Picta", is a room located in the north-east tower of the Castle of San Giorgio in Mantua. It is famous for the cycle of frescoes that covers its walls, a masterpiece by Andrea Mantegna, created between 1465 and 1474. The general theme is a political-dynastic celebration of the entire family of Ludovico II Gonzaga, with the occasion of the election of his son Francesco as cardinal.
The wall has three beautiful lunettes with festoons and heraldic devices.
Palazzo Ducale, Mantova (MN) - Mantua, Lombardia - Lombardy, Italia - Italy
21 nov. 2022
Ghigo Roli/Photo12
Notre référence
Droits gérés
Format disponible
588,9Mo (67,6Mo) / 200,0cm x 73,8cm / 23622 x 8713 (300dpi)
Mots clés
Quattrocento 15e siècle Italie Lombardia Lombardie Mantova Mantoue Palazzo Ducale Palais ducal Camera Picta Chambre des Epoux Chambre nuptiale Andrea Mantegna Art Œuvre d'art Peinture Affresco Fresque Rinascimento Renaissance Noblesse Aristocratie Gonzague Guirlande Lunette Emblème Endeavour 15e siècle Quattrocento 15e siècle
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