Lewis Powell, also known as Lewis Payne, Attacker of U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward, and Conspirator in Assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Standing in Overcoat with Hat, Washington Navy Yard, Washington DC, USA, by Alexander Gardner, April 1865

Lewis Powell, also known as Lewis Payne, Attacker of U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward, and Conspirator in Assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Standing in Overcoat with Hat, Washington Navy Yard, Washington DC, USA, by Alexander Gardner, April 1865


Lewis Powell, also known as Lewis Payne, Attacker of U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward, and Conspirator in Assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Standing in Overcoat with Hat, Washington Navy Yard, Washington DC, USA, by Alexander Gardner, April 1865


20 avr. 1865


Glasshouse Images/Photo12

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