Jade group of sage, wine pot, deer and children, Yuan-early Ming dynasty, 13th-15th century. Artist: Unknown

Jade group of sage, wine pot, deer and children, Yuan-early Ming dynasty, 13th-15th century. Artist: Unknown


Jade group of sage, wine pot, deer and children, Yuan-early Ming dynasty, 13th-15th century. A white-flecked celadon green jade group consisting of a sage seated with his back to a large wine jar with a lotus leaf plug cover. There are two supine deer and a boy at the back and left side of the group. On the right three boys are playing, two holding a fungus spray. The boys are placed so as to form two rests for brushes, which suggests this piece was made for use in a scholar's studio.
Bath (England), The Museum of East Asian Art




Photo12/Heritage Images

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