Greenstone seal of Adda, Akkadian, about 2300-2200 BC, from Mesopotamia. Artist: Unknown
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Greenstone seal of Adda, Akkadian, about 2300-2200 BC, from Mesopotamia. Artist: Unknown


Greenstone seal of Adda, Akkadian, about 2300-2200 BC, from Mesopotamia. Akkadian religious cylinder-seal showing various gods. The sun god, holding his emblem the saw, rises from between two mountains. On the right is Ea, the god of the deep (in the flowing water), attended by Usmu (Janus-headed) who is stepping over a bull. Right of centre is Ishtar, goddess of war, carrying quivers on her back and a date-cluster in her hand. On the left is the goddess Ninurta. From the British Museum's collection.


2300 av. J.-C.


Photo12/Heritage Images/CM Dixon

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50,2Mo (1,2Mo) / 48,6cm x 25,9cm / 5743 x 3058 (300dpi)

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