Captain William Redmond leading Irish troops at the Front, First World War, 1916, (c1920). Creator: Samuel Begg.
Captain William Redmond leading Irish troops at the Front, First World War, 1916, (c1920). 'While the Sinn Feiners were rebelling in Ireland: Captain William Redmond, M.P. [1886-1932], brother of Mr. John Redmond, leading Irish troops at the Front..."Is it not an additional horror", said the Irish leader, Mr. John Redmond, "that on the very day when we hear that men of the Dublin Fusiliers have been killed by Irishmen in the streets of Dublin, we receive the news of how the men of the 16th division - our own Irish Brigade, and of the same Dublin Fusiliers - had dashed forward and by the unconquerable bravery retaken the trenches that the Germans had won at Hulluch [in northern France]?"' Drawn by S. Begg from an official photograph. From "The Great World War: A History", Volume V, edited by Frank A Mumby. [The Gresham Publishing Company Ltd, London, c1920]
Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector
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