Side Table with Everted Ends, late 1500s-1600s. Creator: Unknown.
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Side Table with Everted Ends, late 1500s-1600s. Creator: Unknown.


Side Table with Everted Ends, late 1500s-1600s. The classic Chinese furniture is an art of carpentry and joinery, which makes use of a mortise-and-tenon framework. Design and craftsmanship, coupled with the organic material of the hardwood, create endless aesthetic possibilities. This side table is beautifully carved with cloud-collar spandrels on the aprons as well as openwork panels with cloud-collar patterns inset between the legs and the feet. The table has a narrow top in proportion to its length and bears the detail of the upturned ends that makes it more formal, and possibly used as an altar table.


Photo12/Heritage Images/Heritage Art

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99,0Mo (3,0Mo) / 67,7cm x 36,6cm / 8000 x 4325 (300dpi)

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