Banner with motto of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, ca. 1924. Creator: Unknown.
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Banner with motto of the National Association of Colored Women's Clubs, ca. 1924. Creator: Unknown.


A purple silk banner with gold fringe and the National Association of Colored Women’s Clubs' motto, "LIFTING / AS / WE CLIMB" painted in large gold letters. The banner was used by the Oklahoma Federation of Colored Women's Clubs. T Above the words is a painted design of three interlocking triangles, the center of which is filled with the two on either side in outline. The bottom of the banner is scalloped and has an attached length of fringe.


Photo12/Heritage Images/Heritage Art

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102,7Mo (6,9Mo) / 46,4cm x 55,4cm / 5484 x 6546 (300dpi)

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