Copthall Stadium, Hendon, Barnet, London, 25/06/1966. Creator: John Laing plc.
Copthall Stadium, Hendon, Barnet, London, 25/06/1966. Two men jumping towards the finishing line of the men's sack race at the annual Laing Sports Day held at Copthall Stadium. In 1966, the annual Laing employees' Sports Day was held on 25th June at Copthall Stadium in Hendon. It was the first time the event had been held there, having previously taken place the Laing Sports Ground at Elstree. A range of events included athletics and a football competition, and competitors travelled from the firm's regional offices and sites, including from Scotland and Carlisle. There was also a funfair, marching band, and sports competitions for children. The sports events were followed by a barbecue and social evening. This photograph was published in the August 1966 edition of 'Team Spirit', the Laing employee newsletter. The men's sack race was won by R. Penny, with G. White taking second place.
Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England
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