Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 14/06/1969. Creator: John Laing plc.

Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 14/06/1969. Creator: John Laing plc.


Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 14/06/1969. A Gala Day at the Laing Sports Ground at Elstree, showing children's pony rides in the foreground with stalls and crowds beyond. A Gala Day was held by Laing at the Laing Sports Ground on 14th June 1969, as a replacement of the annual Sports Day. Sports events were held by the Sports Club, which included hockey, tennis, bowls, and football tournaments. A traditional English fete programme featured coconut shies, bingo, pony rides, catering and a beer tent, candy floss, and roundabouts. The day ended with a beauty contest, prize draw, and the election of Miss Sports Club. In the evening there was a fireworks display and a gala dance which continued until midnight.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England

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