Future Home 2000, Coleshill Place, Bradwell Common, Bradwell, Milton Keynes, 06/02/1981. Creator: John Laing plc.
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Future Home 2000, Coleshill Place, Bradwell Common, Bradwell, Milton Keynes, 06/02/1981. Creator: John Laing plc.


Future Home 2000, Coleshill Place, Bradwell Common, Bradwell, Milton Keynes, 06/02/1981. A view of progress at the Future Home 2000 construction site in Milton Keynes. The Future Home 2000 was built by Super Homes specifically to be featured on the BBC’s The Money Programme. It was part of the Milton Keynes Development Corporation’s Home World ’81 exhibition. 36 show homes were built by 22 companies from around the world for the exhibition, on the theme of energy conservation. The structure features a south facing double height conservatory to make passive solar gains and contains panels for water heating. The building was equipped with a variety of heating and power generation systems and The Money Programme monitored its performance for a year following its sale.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England

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Model release


Property release



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