Severn Bridge, M48, Aust, South Gloucestershire, 10/11/1987. Creator: John Laing plc.

Severn Bridge, M48, Aust, South Gloucestershire, 10/11/1987. Creator: John Laing plc.


Severn Bridge, M48, Aust, South Gloucestershire, 10/11/1987. The Severn Bridge from the Aust beach at low tide, seen during strengthening work done by Laing. The original design and construction of the Severn Bridge had under estimated the increased volume of traffic since its completion in 1966 and whilst built to last 120 years it was found to require remedial work after just 20. Laing Industrial Engineering & Construction won the £29.5m contract from the Department of Transport and strengthening work on all elements of the structure began in May 1987. The project was completed in April 1990 in the same year that Laing jointly won the contract for the construction of the second Severn Crossing that would take the traffic pressure off the first bridge and extend its lifespan even further.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England

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