Entertainment to the...Coldstream Guards..., 1850. Creator: Unknown.
Entertainment to the Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates of the Coldstream Guards, at the Portman-Street Barracks, 1850. British soldiers and their families at an event in London ' celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the enrolment of that distinguished corps by the gallant and celebrated General Monck...The men having sat down, grace was said by Sergeant-Major Hurle, who presided. His Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge occupied a seat amongst the privates. The fare consisted of about 1400 lb. of beef, with a liberal supply of pudding and beer...The Sergeant, in eloquent terms, enlarged upon the services of the Coldstreamers...He observed that, although there were no Waterloo veterans at present in the corps, he was sure the Coldstreamers of the present day were not inferior in point of martial spirit to their predecessors'. From "Illustrated London News", 1850.
Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector
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