Jame Masjid and Community Centre, Green Lane, Small Heath, Birmingham, 2005. Creator: Simon Inglis.

Jame Masjid and Community Centre, Green Lane, Small Heath, Birmingham, 2005. Creator: Simon Inglis.


Jame Masjid and Community Centre, Green Lane, Small Heath, Birmingham, 2005. The spire, belfry and decorative clock face band of the clock tower of the former Small Heath Public Library and Baths, seen while the building was used as the Jame Masjid and Community Centre. The complex was the first in which the Free Libraries and the Baths Committees agreed to combine sites. It was built in 1893-1902 in a Gothic-Jacobean style. The library was housed in the west, apex of the site, the focus of which was the clocktower shown in this photograph. The larger, east section of the site housed the public baths: first and second class baths flanking a wash-house and service block. The building closed in around 1977 and was later used as a Muslim community centre and mosque.




Photo12/Heritage Images/Historic England

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