Letter from abolitionist soliciting for Cradle of Liberty distributors, 1839. Creator: Unknown.
Letter from abolitionist soliciting for Cradle of Liberty distributors, 1839-03-25. 'Boston, March 25, 1839, Dear Friends...I send you a few copies of "The Cradle of Liberty", a weekly anti-slavery paper, devoted exclusively to the subject of slavery...The publishers have issued the paper at the cost of the paper and printing...I know of no means you can improve, which will do more for the cause of freedom, than introducing this little sheet into every family in your town, and should you adopt proper measures to obtain subscriptions, you will find but few unwilling to give fifty cents to learn the horrors of slavery, and its remedy. If you have not one, two or three days at your disposal to devote to soliciting subscribers, consult with a few of the most zealous abolitionists, throw your mites together, and employ some efficient friend of the slave to go through the town calling upon every individual'. (Signed by Maria Weston Chapman).
Photo12/Heritage Images/Heritage Art
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26,1Mo (817,1Ko) / 19,9cm x 32,9cm / 2351 x 3880 (300dpi)