The Emperor Meeting the Crimean Troops on the Place de la Bastille, Paris, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.

The Emperor Meeting the Crimean Troops on the Place de la Bastille, Paris, 1856. Creator: Unknown.


The Emperor Meeting the Crimean Troops on the Place de la Bastille, Paris, 1856. '...a triumphal arch was erected near the Porte St. Martin Theatre. The facades of the theatres were all admirably decorated, and large standards and wreaths of tricolored flags were displayed along the entire route....the Emperor was received by the army with an enthusiasm difficult to be described. His Majesty contemplated them for an instant with an earnest gaze, and then, urging his horse to the central point from which the mass of troops diverged in a fanlike form...[said:] "My emotion is great; for with the happiness of again beholding you are mingled painful regrets for those who are no more, and a profound chagrin not to have been able myself to lead you into represent that Army of the East whose courage and perseverance have newly illustrated our eagles, and reconquered for France the rank that was her due'. From "Illustrated London News", 1856.


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