H.M.S. Victoria, 102 guns, the new flagship of the Mediterranean fleet, 1864. Creator: Smyth.
H.M.S. Victoria, 102 guns, the new flagship of the Mediterranean fleet, 1864. 'Our Engraving, from a drawing by Mr. F. L. Bedwell, represents the screw steam-ship Victoria - one of the largest and finest wooden ships in her Majesty's Navy - which has just left Portsmouth for Malta, to become the flagship of the Admiral commanding the British fleet in the Mediterranean. As the Victoria has no armour-plating, and is probably quite unable to take part in action with the iron-clad ships of war now in vogue, her selection for this post has been the subject of much adverse comment; but she is certainly a noble specimen of the class of vessels winch were till within the last few years rated the best and mightiest of our Navy. The Victoria is commanded by Captain Goodenough'. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.
Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector
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