Our Iron-Clad Fleet: H.M. Steam-Frigate Achilles off Folly Point, Chatham, 1864. Creator: Unknown.
Our Iron-Clad Fleet: H.M. Steam-Frigate Achilles off Folly Point, Chatham, 1864. 'Our Engraving gives a view of that fine warship the Achilles, which is the largest and fastest ironclad that our navy yet possesses. It represents her as she appeared when lying off Folly Point, at Chatham, on the day before her late trial-trip, when she was found to exceed the most sanguine expectations of those interested in her success. The result of this trial proved her to attain a mean speed of 14.362 knots at full power; and she made 11.878 knots when going at half speed. It is anticipated, however, that with the improvements since made she will realise from fifteen to sixteen knots when all her weights will be on board. She can be made ready for sea, if necessary, in a few days. Her keel was laid down in Chatham Dockyard, in October, 1862, and she was launched in December last...horse-power, 1250, nominal; intended armament, 30 guns ("Somerset" pattern); intended complement, 650 officers and men'. From "Illustrated London News", 1864.
Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector
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29,3Mo (2,1Mo) / 32,6cm x 22,5cm / 3853 x 2656 (300dpi)