Sketches from Ireland: a Westmeath gentleman farmer attending Mullingar Market, 1870. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Ireland: a Westmeath gentleman farmer attending Mullingar Market, 1870. 'Wherever in Ireland a cattle fair happens to be held...extra police are invariably to be found on duty, picking their way among the potatoes and the pigs...consequently, one saw without surprise the space in front of the market house at Mullingar thickly dotted over with constables the day on which the weekly market was held. Still, one was hardly prepared to see a private car drive into the midst of the throng of people having on it a respectable-looking gentleman with a large white beard, and a couple of policemen armed with loaded carbines. It was evident the old gentleman was not in custody, as the driver halted at his bidding, and he himself alighted of his own accord, though as he limped about I observed that the two constables kept close upon his heels. On inquiry, I ascertained the individual in question to be a Mr. Hornidge, gentleman farmer, agent and county magistrate, who was fired at, and wounded in both shoulder and hip, which has crippled him in a measure for life, in the year 1866...Ever since this period Mr. Hornidge has had a police post established at his residence and has never stirred abroad unless attended by an armed guard'. From "Illustrated London News", 1870.
Photo12/Heritage Images/The Print Collector
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