Economy, Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878, artist, London, engraving 1816, Brougham, in the guise of John Bull, appears to the Regent, holding up a broom which points towards a small scene surrounded by clouds. The Regent, who has been revelling over a large bowl of punch, falls back terrified, overturning his chair. Brougham, arm extended towards the Regent, declaims: Retrench, Retrench, reflect on the distressed state of your country. The Regent falls on to McMahon, a tiny figure on hands and knees, gazing up at Brougham; he supports himself with his right hand on the knee of Lady Hertford. The vision above Brougham's head is of the Regent and McMahon, both ragged, seated facing each other at a plain wooden table on which are a jar of spring water and a lighted candle end stuck in a bottle. The Regent gnaws a bare bone; McMahon (in miniature) takes up a small fish by the tail.
Photo12/Liszt Collection/Quint Lox Limited
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Format disponible
62,2Mo (2,9Mo) / 42,3cm x 36,8cm / 5000 x 4351 (300dpi)