Seal stamp, initials on the stamp face, seal stamp stamp equipment ground find bronze metal, surface 1,4 cast cast driven Copper

Seal stamp, initials on the stamp face, seal stamp stamp equipment ground find bronze metal, surface 1,4 cast cast driven Copper


Seal stamp, initials on the stamp face, seal stamp stamp equipment ground find bronze metal, surface 1,4 cast cast driven Copper seal stamp or signet Cast in one piece. Trunk with clover-shaped handle and hanging eye Filling-out foot with stamping field Initials on the stamping surface on the stamping surface: TG archeology Rotterdam City Triangle Beursplein Koopgoot hallmarks sealing close letter writing characteristics Soil discovery Beursplein Rotterdam (Koopgoot


Photo12/Liszt Collection

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39,6Mo (743,9Ko) / 31,5cm x 31,5cm / 3720 x 3720 (300dpi)

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