Text Leaf from a Book of Hours, c. 1430, French (possibly Loire Valley), France, Manuscript cutting with decorations in tempera and gold leaf, and gothica textualis inscriptions in Latin in black ink, ruled in red, recto and verso, on parchment, 228 × 161 mm

Text Leaf from a Book of Hours, c. 1430, French (possibly Loire Valley), France, Manuscript cutting with decorations in tempera and gold leaf, and gothica textualis inscriptions in Latin in black ink, ruled in red, recto and verso, on parchment, 228 × 161 mm


Chicago, The Art Institute


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro

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46,4Mo (3,5Mo) / 28,6cm x 40,6cm / 3378 x 4800 (300dpi)

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