Jicarilla Apache Brave and Squaw, lately wedded. Abiquiu Agency, New Mexico, 1874, Timothy O’Sullivan (American, born Ireland, 1840–1882), commissioned by George Wheeler for the War Department, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, United States, Albumen print, stereo, No. 41 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian

Jicarilla Apache Brave and Squaw, lately wedded. Abiquiu Agency, New Mexico, 1874, Timothy O’Sullivan (American, born Ireland, 1840–1882), commissioned by George Wheeler for the War Department, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, United States, Albumen print, stereo, No. 41 from the series "Geographical Explorations and Surveys West of the 100th Meridian


Chicago, The Art Institute


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro

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