Kesa, Meiji period (1868–1912), late 19th century, Japan, Silk and gold-leaf-over-lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 5:1 'Z' twill weave with supplementary patterning wefts bound in twill interlacings, patches: silk and gold-leaf-over-lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 3:1 'Z' twill weave with plain interlacings of secondary binding warps and supplementary patterning wefts, lined with cotton, plain weave, 115.3 x 202.8 cm (45 3/8 x 79 7/8 in.)

Kesa, Meiji period (1868–1912), late 19th century, Japan, Silk and gold-leaf-over-lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 5:1 'Z' twill weave with supplementary patterning wefts bound in twill interlacings, patches: silk and gold-leaf-over-lacquered-paper strips, warp-float faced 3:1 'Z' twill weave with plain interlacings of secondary binding warps and supplementary patterning wefts, lined with cotton, plain weave, 115.3 x 202.8 cm (45 3/8 x 79 7/8 in.)


Chicago, The Art Institute


Photo12/Liszt Collection/Artokoloro

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61,3Mo (4,9Mo) / 50,8cm x 30,2cm / 6000 x 3572 (300dpi)

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