Lennox-Boyd meets Kenyan detainees. Alan Tindal Lennox-Boyd (1904-1983) meets Kenyan detainees being held at a fenced military camp. The detainees, seen from behind, are uniformly dressed in white and hold their hands up to order. Kangema, Kenya, 15 October 1957. Kangema, Central (Kenya), Kenya, Eastern Africa, Africa.
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Lennox-Boyd meets Kenyan detainees. Alan Tindal Lennox-Boyd (1904-1983) meets Kenyan detainees being held at a fenced military camp. The detainees, seen from behind, are uniformly dressed in white and hold their hands up to order. Kangema, Kenya, 15 October 1957. Kangema, Central (Kenya), Kenya, Eastern Africa, Africa.


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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