The Iron Pillar at Qutb, circa 1865. The Iron Pillar stands before the ruins of Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque. Like the nearby Ashoka Pillar ('Singh Stambh'), with which it is often confused, the Iron Pillar was erected in around 400AD and has remained mysteriously uncorroded for hundreds of years. This image was pasted into an album compiled in 1889, but appears to date from an earlier period as the pillar is shown without the cement pedestal it had acquired by the 1870s. Delhi, India, circa 1865. Delhi, Delhi, India, Southern Asia, Asia.

The Iron Pillar at Qutb, circa 1865. The Iron Pillar stands before the ruins of Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque. Like the nearby Ashoka Pillar ('Singh Stambh'), with which it is often confused, the Iron Pillar was erected in around 400AD and has remained mysteriously uncorroded for hundreds of years. This image was pasted into an album compiled in 1889, but appears to date from an earlier period as the pillar is shown without the cement pedestal it had acquired by the 1870s. Delhi, India, circa 1865. Delhi, Delhi, India, Southern Asia, Asia.


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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