Wolseley and Smyth at Wuntho. Horses ridden by General Wolseley and Major Smyth drink from a shallow river that flows beneath a bridge. Both officers led British Army troops against Burmese rebels during a conflict at Wuntho. Wuntho, Burma (Myanmar), 1891. Wuntho, Sagaing, Burma (Myanmar), South East Asia, Asia.

Wolseley and Smyth at Wuntho. Horses ridden by General Wolseley and Major Smyth drink from a shallow river that flows beneath a bridge. Both officers led British Army troops against Burmese rebels during a conflict at Wuntho. Wuntho, Burma (Myanmar), 1891. Wuntho, Sagaing, Burma (Myanmar), South East Asia, Asia.


Photo12/Universal Images Group

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