Visit of Ya Na Abdulai III. The King of Dagbon, Ya Na Abdulai III (r.1953-67), attends a celebration for the fourth anniversary of Ghanaian independence. He is preceded by a young woman (said to be a ritual water bearer) who carries ceremonial water containers in a metal tub on her head. Abdulai III wears a batakari (smock) and a hat studded with amulets for spiritual protection. Savelugu, Ghana, circa March 1961. Savelugu, North (Ghana), Ghana, Western Africa, Africa.

Visit of Ya Na Abdulai III. The King of Dagbon, Ya Na Abdulai III (r.1953-67), attends a celebration for the fourth anniversary of Ghanaian independence. He is preceded by a young woman (said to be a ritual water bearer) who carries ceremonial water containers in a metal tub on her head. Abdulai III wears a batakari (smock) and a hat studded with amulets for spiritual protection. Savelugu, Ghana, circa March 1961. Savelugu, North (Ghana), Ghana, Western Africa, Africa.


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