Image of the Rathbun Company's industrial sites at the east end of the waterfront in Deseronto, Ontario, looking north from the Bay of Quinte circa 1907.

Image of the Rathbun Company's industrial sites at the east end of the waterfront in Deseronto, Ontario, looking north from the Bay of Quinte circa 1907.


Image of the Rathbun Company's industrial sites at the east end of the waterfront in Deseronto, Ontario, looking north from the Bay of Quinte. In the centre are the chimneys of the refuse burners. On the right of the refuse burners are the white domes of the charcoal kilns, with the chemical works to their right. The derelict building on the left is the old flour mill, behind which is the tower of St. Mark's Anglican church. Photograph taken in 1907.


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